unde VASLUI,
Romania -
Startul evenimentelor
Festivalul International de Gimnastica si Dans „Prietenia”, este un festival- concurs, organizat pentru copii si tineri, un „ambasador” al Romaniei in lume, initiat la Vaslui in anul 1985, desfasurat fara intrerupere pana in prezent, devenit o traditie/ brand cultural care a marcat existenta culturala a zonei, timp de peste 32 de ani, antrenand de la un an la altul tot mai multi participanti, a caror valoare coregrafica a crescut continuu. Festivalul „Prietenia” Vaslui are doua sectiuni: sectiunea participare directa si din anul 2010 si o sectiune de participare indirecta – concurs prin corespondenta/ pe internet. Acest lucru a creat o emulatie deosebita, cu un impact foarte favorabil in directia unor utile schimburi de experienta, cunoastere reciproca si a stabilirii dinamice a unor noi relatii de prietenie si colaborare in tara si in strainatate (pana in Africa de Sud, Venezuela, Lituania, Australia, Cehia, Rusia, Ucraina, R. Moldova, Bulgaria etc). Beneficiarii direcţi: La etapele premergatoare finalei sunt implicati aproximativ 20.000 de concurenti. La faza finala a festivalului sunt implicati aproximativ 1.500 de concurenti ( prescolari, elevi din clasele pregatitoare si I- XII). Organizatori ai acestui inedit festival, sub inaltul patronaj al MECS, in parteneriat cu Federatia Romana Sportul Pentru Toti, Asociaţia Judeţeană Sportul Pentru Toţi Vaslui, sunt institutii si oameni sufletisti ai orasului Vaslui, in prima linie aflandu- se Palatul Copiilor Vaslui, Colegiul Economic “Anghel Rugină Vaslui, Primăria Municipiului Vaslui, Inspectoratul Şcolar Judetean Vaslui, Casa Corpului Didactic Vaslui, alaturi fiind Direcţia Judeţeană Pentru Sport si Tineret Vaslui, Casa de Cultură “ C. Tănase” Vaslui, Liceul„Stefan Procopiu” si “Ion Mincu” Vaslui, Muzeul Judeţean Vaslui, Centrul Judetean de Promovare si Conservare a Traditiilor, voluntari (parinti, elevi, studenti, cadre didactice, medici, ingineri, economisti etc). Comisia de evaluare a concursului este compusa din personalitati competente ale invatamantului, sportului si culturii vasluiene. Festivalul va debuta pe data de 27.05.2016 cu sosirea concurentilor, continua pe data de 28.05.2016 cu „Parada Costumelor” pe traseul „Stefan cel Mare” – „Piata Civica” a municipiului Vaslui, unde vor fi intampinati de oficialitati ale autoritatii publice locale. Apoi, se va derula concursul pe categorii de varsta si genuri coregrafice, conform regulamentului. La ora 20.00, va avea loc seara distractiva ”Intre prieteni”! Pe data de 29.05.2016, va avea loc incepand cu ora 9.00, Gala Laureatilor si premierea concurentilor. Se vor acorda diplome, trofee, ecusoane, fanioane, medalii, tricouri etc. ! The International Gymnastics and Dance Festival "Friendship" is a festival- competition organized for children and youth, an "ambassador" of Romania in the world, which was initiated in Vaslui in 1985 and which has been held without interruption ever since. It became a tradition and a cultural brand that has marked the area for over 32 years by drawing more and more participants of higher quality with each passing year. The Festival "Friendship" held in Vaslui has two sections: one section with direct participation and - since 2010 - a section with indirect participation (mail / Internet ). This generated an emulation, with an impact in the direction of useful exchanges, mutual understanding and establish dynamic new relationships of friendship and cooperation at home and abroad (up to South Africa, Venezuela, Lithuania Australia, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria etc). The direct beneficiaries: in the stages up to the final competition are involved about 20,000 competitors. At the final stage of the festival approximately 1,500 competitors are involved (preschoolers, pupils in preparatory classes and 1st to 12th graders). The organizers of this unique festival, under the patronage of Education Ministry, in partnership with the Romanian Federation “Sport for All”, the County Association “Sport for All”, are noble-minded people and institutions and people of Vaslui, at the forefront of which being the Vaslui Children's Palace, the Economic College " Anghel Rugina”, the Town Hall, the School Inspectorate, the Teachers’ House, along with the County Department for Sport and Youth, the Community Centre "C. Tanase", the High Schools "Stefan Procopiu" and "Ion Mincu", the Town Museum, the Center for the Promotion and Preservation of Traditions, volunteers (parents, students, teachers, doctors, engineers, economists etc.). The evaluation committee is composed of remarkable personalities belonging to Vaslui’s education, sport and culture. The festival will start off on 20.05.2016 with the arrival of competitors. On the 28.05.2016 it will continue with the "Parade of Costumes" along the route "Stefan cel Mare" - "Civic Square" of Vaslui, where they will be welcomed by officials of the local authorities. Then there will be held the contest according to categories of age and gender choreography. At 20.00, there will be a fun evening called "Between Friends"! On 29.05.2016, starting from 9.00, the Gala award for winners and contestants will take place, where diplomas, trophies, badges, pennants, medals, T-shirts etc will be awarded !